2010-2011 Recipients
Baran, Andrea: Van Corlaer Elem. $748.83
To continue purchasing bass bars (3) to complete the set she needs to help students create harmonies by building chord tones.
Hawk, Krista A.: Sch. H.S. $500.00
To help with costs of the Women’s choir going to perform in Costa Rica as part of a 7 day trip.
Katz, Deborah: Steinmetz CLA $797.70
To purchase 5 digital microscopes for use by over 200 students in the Regents Living Environment lab course. Project based learning.
Look, Sue, et.al..: Keane Elem. $468.70
To buy fiction and non fiction trade books for use with their 2nd graders. They would be primarily for social studies.
Kelly, Laurie, et.al.: Steinmetz CLA $750.00
Career Pathways students will go to a dinner at SCCC to learn proper dining etiquette, interviewing, and conversational skills.
Lamb, Jennifer: Mont Pleasant $1250
To help buy a class set of acoustic guitars for 7th & 8th grade music classes. Students will learn to play and create original compositions.
Longe, Lisa: Elmer,Wood,FDR,Paige $358.00 $100
To help purchase music stands and reeds for needy students.
Majkut, Kristen: Steinmetz CLA $212.42
To purchase laptop backpacks for students who cannot afford them.
O’Leary, Heather & Ottavio Lopiccolo: Van. $395.00
ESL students would take a ½ day trip to Brookside Museum for the Sheep to Shawl Program.
Boettcher, Kerry. MPMS $2500.00
To help sixth graders take a trip to Adirondack Extreme as part of No Child left Inside initiative promoting environmental literacy.
Callahan, Karin SHS $369.82
To purchase young adult novels for reading groups which will be a hybrid of literary circles & traditional whole class instruction.
Carden, Catherine. Keane Elem $345.00
The money is for a presentation by the Scotia- Glenville Children’s Traveling Museum, The Tropical Rain Forest for 1st graders.
Crawford, Susan MPMS $200.00
To help offset the cost of the 8th grade trip to Washington DC with the Travel Club absorbing the remaining cost.
Devery, Lauren. Lincoln Elem. $300.00
Three teachers will be developing shared re-usable learning centers directed at students in grades 4-6.
Iovinella, Maria. Van Corlaer $250.00
To help purchase multiple copies of trade books for use in first grade guided reading groups.
Melanson, Brian. Zoller. $325.00
To buy Speed Stackers for use with all the gym classes (500 kids).
Olekoski, Sue. SCLA. $351.00
To buy supplies for hydroponic & traditional potted gardening for 60 ninth grade students.
Parrella, Sephanie. Van Corlaer $215.82
She and Ms. Eddy purchased Words Their Way Big Books of Rhyme levels K,A, and B for use in 1st grade classrooms.
Patterson, Tom et.al. SHS $885.00
It will fund the Solar Utilization Research Project at Schenectady High School (SURPASS), a joint Science & Technology project.
Sagendorf, Nancy SHS $200.00
Students in the Science Honor Society will develop “Walk Ways,” so students can measure their walking distances in the high school.
Zheng, Mei MPMS $300.00
To help offset costs of 7th & 8th grade students going to NYC to Chinatown and the Museum of Chinese Americans.
Rottger, Cecilia, et. al. MPMS, MLK, Oneida $1300
Students will complete projects created as part of the Schenectady Embraces Diversity study circles program.