Fall 2014-2015 Recipients
Adams, Sarah et. al.: Keane $1040
Funds will be used for science presentations by the Scotia Glenville Traveling Museum. They want to offer 8 programs in grades K-2. For assessments students will draw/write documents and teach classmates.
Bee, Jennifer: MPMS $978.29
She wants to shoulder rests for use by all violin & viola students in the orchestra. These would protest the shoulders and the instruments as well as improve playing positions and techniques. 62 students play these instruments. Assessment will be done by judging performance improvement.
Britt, Carrie MPMS. $942.30
She wants to buy a class set of Howard Zinn’s A young People’s History of the United States. She will use them as part of her Social Studies Literacy Action Plan which responds to data on student performance of the NYS ELA & the district 7th grade final exam. To assess effects she will compare last year’s 7th & this year’s 8th grade test results.
Chimielowiec, Lindsay: SHS $769.00
She will buy a second rolling glass mirror for her alternate classroom space in the auditorium. Because of increased enrolment they need the second mirror. It provides immediate feedback to dancers. At least 150 students will use it.
Cohen, Susan: SHS $1345.92
Funds will be used to buy a 12 month subscription to Music Express Magazines for students & teachers including CDs. She will also buy 2 Suzuki Q Chord autoharps. These will provide badly needed textbooks. Assessment through performance.
Dill, Denee: Woodlawn. $2174.61
She wants to buy 3 iPads to integrate technology with the various subjects she teaches. She will use them to differentiate instruction, to produce student-centered work, and to improve students’ technological skills. They will be used as video cameras, audio recorders, multimedia notebooks, etc. She offers lots of examples.
Foley, Karen & Sheila Mc Phearson: Pleasant Valley $950
They want to start a Girls on the Run Program. Money is for registrations, materials, etc. Assessment will be the completion of forms for the Girls on the Run program.
Gleason, David: SHS $769.90
His percussion program has expanded greatly (over 100 kids) and drums need repair and replacement, so he want to buy more and better drums. There are national standards used to assess student work and many performances. We have supported this in the past.
Hart, Jennifer MPMS $700.00
The money would be used to subsidize some of 48 students going to Washington D.C. They will also buy group t shirts which promote group cohesion and help teachers keep track of them. Student performance of relevant items on the 8th grade test will be used to assess impact.
Hawk, Krista: SHS $500.00
She needs to replace three broken keyboards in the piano lab. Last year she asked for the same amount of money to repair two.
LeBarron, Barbara: FDR $340
It will be used for transportation to and admission costs for a trip to Mabee Farm. They use this experience to help them create a Living Museum of Colonial Times and this will be part of the assessment. We have funded this before.
Macey, Laura:SCLA $495.25
She wants to buy uniforms for servers to wear when they serve guests. It will raise the bar a bit and pictures will be taken for use in portfolios.
Mark, Elizabeth.: MPMS $896.82
She wants to fund the Connecting with New York State’s History project. She will use the money to pay for field trips to Ft. William Henry for 30 ESL students. NYSESLAT will be used to measure the impact. We funded a similar experience before.
Parrella, Stephanie: Van Corlaer $250
She will use the money to buy multiple copies of books from the Scholastic Book Club each month. At the end of the year each student will get a bag of 10 books for summer reading. This is for her 30 first graders. June & September reading scores will be compared for assessment.
Poli, Jennifer: SAMSS $1000
She wants to purchase fiction and non-fiction high interest low level books for students. Pre and post skills tests will be administered.
Raetz, Michelle: Washington Irving $700
She wants to buy 10-15 tickets for Jekyll and Hyde at Proctors. It will give disadvantaged students a real theater experience and they will compare the play to the short story which they will read. She teaches the High School Equivalency program. Student s will engage in follow up activities and write an essay.
Schneider, Jim: SHS $3200
The money will be spent to buy a three year contract for use of Overdrive, which allows staff and students to get e books and audio books. They currently use Overdrive through the county library. This will work with Boces and will allow them to choose the books and coordinate them with K-12 curriculum. It impacts all schools and students.
Stewart-Mannino, Michelle: MPMS $828.80
She wants to buy 20 copies of a young adult novel written by a MPMS alumna. They will be read and discussed in a book club setting for 20 8th grade girls. There will be an author visit and a skype experience Assessment will be by attendance, pre and post tests, etc.
Tebbano, Marcella: Fulton $528.80
She will purchase equipment that will increase movement and core strength by providing sensory opportunities in her Adoptive PE Class.
Whittel, Holly: Elmer $143.00
She wants to buy 2 sets of Short Books to support the literacy development of her students. She has a special class of 12 but would also share the materials with the first grade teachers. She will use Fountas and Pinnell for assessment.
Williams, Elicia: Keane $390.00
The money will be used to transport students to the Iroquois Museum. They will participate in two programs and do written summaries of what they learned.