Fall 2019 Recipients
Benjamin, Rebecca et. al. Pleasant V $1800
84 4th graders will create books based on a theme selected from a list provided by teachers. Assessment: student conference, presentations, the books and surveys. THIS IS THE THIRD YEAR.
Bernard, Christine SCLA $215.22
Teaching her autistic kids life skills they will learn how to make muffins and sell them one day a week to school staff. Assessment: rubric pre and post test of how they do.
Butts, L. Zack SCLA $3401.30
A collaborative of science, construction, Earth Science, and Culinary programs wants to build a greenhouse to be used by all departments. It is highly detailed and impacts almost every student in the school. Assessment: state exams, passing rates, etc.
Casano, Josh SHS $1714.90
He wants to buy 5 audio interface bundles which would allow them to use their new computers to do music production. It would be used Music in Our Lives and Music Theory students and several other groups. Assessment: a record album, performances and presentations.
Caster, Ashleigh (Paley, Jennifer) Hamilton $900.00
She will purchase listening centers and audio books for 2nd graders to be used by 75 students and four teachers. Assessment: weekly skills tests and STAR Assessments and F & P benchmarks.
Gelston, Tracy CPMS $700
She needs better bows for her violin instruction. Assessment: listening and observing the kids.
Hall, Mary Allison Lincoln $600
She wants to purchase color coded xylophones for students to use individually and in groups. All students can use them. Color coding helps less literate students learn music. Assessment: student use, a rubric on performance, etc.
Hutson, James Oneida MS $126.99
He wants to buy a series of video (The Unlectured Series) from the Amoeba Sisters for instructional use with his 55 Living Environment students. He gives very extensive the videos and how they will be used and a detailed rationale. Assessment: field testing different videos in different classes and comparing the results.
Kerr, Jolina Oneida $120
She wants to subscribe to Generation Genius, a science film service for a year. There are films for every unit in 7th grade science. She will share with all the 7th grade science classes. Assessment: assignments, quizzes and games that come with the films.
LaFountain,Mary & Klein,Maria WI $2201 Partial $1000
They are in Phase 3 of the development of their Place of Peace Project and want more equipment and materials drumming, sound emersion). Students and staff use the room to take needed breaks. Assessment: amount of usage Third Year.
Lawrence, Mike Oneida $1,000
He and the other music teachers want to create a guitar club for the students. They have had a number of student requests for this. They tie it to state music standards. Estimate 30 students will be involved. Assessment: rubrics and performances.
Lencewicz, Kim MPMS $814
She wants to take her 8 special ed. Students to the Rubenstein Museum in Syracuse. Money is for the bus and admissions. They will learn about Dinosaurs, the Brain, The Amazon, Energy, Flight & Space and Life Science. Hands on learning esp. appropriate for these Intensive Skills students. Assessment: pre & post quiz
Lucas, Helen SCLA $983.30
Field trip to SUNY Pack Forest in Warrensburg for biology and earth science students. Assessment: photo essays.
Mark, Elizabeth MPMS $1140
40 English as a New Language students will read The Last of the Mohicans, research MYS history and will do a field trip to Fort William Henry. The $ is for the bus and to pay for participation in the Lake George History tour. Assessment: scores in reading, writing, listening and speaking on the NYS Second language Achievement Test and student written or oral reports on their experiences.
Marotta, Kristen Lincoln $800
She will purchase materials for a Green Screen facility where students can create reports to be shared with fellow students, teachers, parents and on You Tube. The projects are science projects tied to each grade level. Assessment: a rubric will be used to evaluate and data will be collected in excel doc.
O’Brien, Daniel Oneida MS $250
The 7th grade Team Wolves wants to purchase a C-Pen Reader which students can use to improve their reading skills. Students can use it to scan a text as they read and reads aloud along with them, use the dictionary function to get word meaning and pronunciation, etc. It can be used as a digital highlighter and for many other reading aid activities. It provides teaches and kids a lot of options for materials. Assessment: benchmark test scores, individual student reading of texts, etc.
O’Leary, Heather Hamilton $790.98
They (Heather, Alex Torres, etc.) want to buy drums for a Latin Rhythm band for Hispanic students. They address trauma sensitive, arts, ed., etc. Assessment: improved attendance, pride in community.
Riley, Jennifer Van Corlaer $600
They want to create lunch clubs for STEM activities. The money is to purchase various Lego science materials. Assessment: Participation and reduction in lunch and office referrals.
Rowen, Jackie Oneida MS $2100
She wants to buy the Cubelets Creative Constructors PLUS Pack for 7th grade technology students to use to learn everything from design thinking to engineering, collaboration, math, and problem solving. Success will be measured by students’ ability to successfully code and create and code cublet robots while working collaboratively to break down larger problems into manageable chunks.
Rytel, Alexis WI $2000 Partial $1200
She wants to buy flexible furniture, sensory items, science materials, etc. for a new MS program at WI. She talks about the need to address sensory needs and create an environment with kinesthetic learning materials. Assessment: state test scores, a science fair, regular monitoring.
Sheridan, Michael Oneida $1048.95
He wants to buy 6 drones for students to use in technology class as well as in art, Social Studies, etc. He explains how they will be used in math and science classes. Assessment: rubrics, checklists, etc.
Stewart-Mannino, Michelle MPMS $920
The MP Productions puts on a variety of shows and works with the MopCo improve group. She wants to buy mirrors so that the performers can more effectively develop their dance routines. We have funded them before. Assessment: the amount of choreography incorporated into productions compared to previous years and surveys.
Stumbaugh. Kayleigh MPMS $900
This is to support 16 girls participating in the Girls on the Run program and race. The program promotes life skills and self confidence in many ways. Assessment: vague
Tufo, Margaret SCLA $655
She wants to take her students on the Floating Classroom at Lake George. It is a very detailed proposal on every question. This is the second year. Assessment: exams, survey, student logs.
Turner, Susan Paige $339.06
She wants to buy equipment for PE instruction to address needs of students who need something more than a basketball and football. It will provide more diversity in activities. Assessment: measure of participation and student surveys.
Vacca, Leanne Central Park MS $486
She and 2 others will work with 51 6th graders on a project based learning experience. Students will create artifacts for a museum and explain how the artifacts relate to Geography themes in 6th grade social studies. The grant will be used to buy the materials. Assessment: The museum exhibits themselves, a presentation to parents and grades based on a rubric.
Wood, Patricia Hamilton $700
They will buy books & bags so their 2nd graders can take books home. Promotes family involvement and literacy. We have funded this in other schools. Assessment: surveys and participation data.